Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Arrested Development Blog

Idea: Create a database of jokes related to running gags, recurring quotes, or even random references to Arrested Development. Don't run out of ideas. After running out of ideas, hopefully have generated enough interest in this idea that others will submit their ideas. Let others do our job for us.

How It Works: Let's say I thought of a pun or something. Maybe it was based on a line that was repeated as a running joke on Arrested Development. Perhaps it was the phrase, "I've made a huge Mystique," a play on the line, "I've made a huge mistake."

Now suppose Greg, too, had an idea to re-interpret something from our culture as having to do with Arrested Development. For argument's sake, let's just say it involved Tony Wonder and a line from the Aladdin song, "A Whole New World."

We would be at a loss for a reasonable medium with which to express these "jokes." Sure, if we were on a message board talking about Aladdin songs, or about X-Men villains, it might be funny. But even a forum about Arrested Development would feel like the wrong vehicle for this particular type of humor.

We would discuss our respective ideas, and at one point one of us would say, "you know what we should do?" And the other would respond, "Start a blog of our terrible ideas?" And then this site, this very site which you are now reading, would be born.

But ONE OF THOSE ideas would be this one: a blog for our stupid Arrested Development jokes, it would be called The Banana Stand and located at A place for Arrested Development-themed humor that rightfully has no place in this world.

Just like all of our proposed failures here at Our Proposed Failures.

Why It's a Terrible Idea: Well, let's start with this: Arrested Development ended its run roughly four and a half years ago, so we're not exactly on the cutting edge of humor here. Most people are already familiar with this show and what makes it so great.

But even if it were a little more current, that wouldn't change the fact that the show's recurring jokes and callbacks are all funny within the context of the show. There is no sense at all in removing them from that context and trying to make them into jokes about unrelated things.

Honestly, who could the audience for this be? Fans of the show would be much happier to just watch the show itself, or even to read the wikipedia page about the show, than to see this. They might not even get all the references that the Arrested Development quotes will be applied to. If they do, will they laugh? I doubt it.

We would pitch this site as a place for people to look up an Arrested Development joke for use in a thread or a meme about something else, but is there really any demand for that? What are the odds we'd even have what visitors to the blog were looking for?

In theory, it would be best if it were itself some sort of thread, or anything that offered real participation. But for now it's just a blog, updated by the two of us, because we don't have any readers yet.

What are we even doing?