Monday, September 27, 2010

An all-bass Latin Jazz band

Idea: Create a Latin-Jazz band composed solely of bass instruments.

How It Works: Well, you've got all these instruments, see? And a lot of them can play bass parts, but they're pretty different other than that.

You start with a call to action for people who love the sound of the bass and Latin Jazz. You wait for the calls to start pouring in.

You've got your bass guitar. Your double bass. A bass clarinet. A bass drum! Maybe a keyboard is hidden in there, with the "instrument" setting configured to "Bass" at the moment. (Someone might try to sneak in with a bass - as in the wide-mouthed bass, a fish you might come across in your travels - but that would just be silly.) You round out the whole thing with a vocalist who sings bass.

Then you combine all of these various explorations in bass-itude and start jamming out to your favorite Latin Jazz tune. Maybe some Tito Puente or something.

Why It's a Terrible Idea: Uh, I'm not even sure there is a bass part in most Latin Jazz pieces.

I'll be honest here: I'm not even sure what defines Latin Jazz as a genre. I hear the horns and the beat the upbeat tempo. I don't hear much bass, though.

(Can that many bassists even be in the same room without causing a bass-tastrophe?)

Then there's the fact that I neither know that many bass players, nor do I even know where to begin finding them.

Anybody out there play some form of bass?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bad Ideas on Twitter

Idea: Set up Twitter accounts for all of the many Terrible Ideas we have throughout the day. These will be Our Proposed Failures for the reader on the go, allowing a window into our ridiculous thought processes in real time.

How It Works: Those two boxes on this site? The ones labeled "Greg's Bad Ideas" and "Ted's Bad Ideas"? That's where these tweets will go. We tweet them, you read them. If you're so inclined, you can follow us. On Twitter. I'm not sure if I have to explain how Twitter works, but I think you get it.

These tweeted proposals will be, of course, short. They won't require any explanation, so they won't get full posts. Most likely they'll never be put into effect, so you'll just have to imagine all the spectacular failures that would await us if we took all these ideas we have on a daily basis seriously.

We do, however, reserve the right to recycle any of them into full posts later on, if we feel we need a little more actual failure in our lives.

Why It's a Terrible Idea: I can't speak for Greg, but I can definitely say that I'm not the kind of person who's going to be good at keeping up with a Twitter account. Try this at home: look at the dates of all the posts on this blog up until now. Just a quick glance, there are only a few.

See that? That total lack of dedication to actually putting our thoughts into words on the internet? That's not good for a blog, but it's pretty much death on Twitter.

For argument's sake, though, let's imagine that having this convenient, text-messageable tool at our fingertips all the time will inspire regular updates. Do you think the stupid ideas that pop into my head all day are really worth reading? How many people do you think will?

My guess is I'll get 5 followers, Greg'll get 15, and that'll be that.